Dear Qwaider and Rebellious Girl Qwaider, it seems u have been away from jordan for quite along time u foorgt how special arab beauty is..i advise to go and revise some arabic poems, maybe that will help u revive ur memory..i will never mistake beauty i have been living in europe for quite a few years now i can recognise arabs from others easily ..remember we have the same blood..and to you rebellious girl..please dont be angry from qwaider, he is suffering from what i call the engineering & Computers syndrome his brain loses the ability to admire beauty and recognise that he is talking to a woman, who is full of feminism..i used to suffer from that long time ago..but thank god, i am cured now PS. i advise u to change ur age from 25 years 25 years young and i send u a rose because u won the prize of the most beautiful eyes i saw this wishes..VA:F [1.9.20_1166]