In order to fix the issue, go to Start, type Windows Firewall in the Search programs and files field and open the utility. After that, press Allow a program through Windows Firewall and check the box next toSwannEye Monitoring.
If you can't find the application in the "llowed programs and features" window, press the Allow another program button, navigate to the installation directory, select the executable file and press Add.
After that, in the Search programs and files field type Windows Firewall with Advanced Settings and open the tool. Select Inbound Rules and then press New Rule. Check the Port box, click Next, select All local Ports and follow the self-explained steps. Also, make sure that your security program doesn't block the connection.
If the error persists, uninstall the software (Control Panel > Uninstall a program), run a registry cleaner to make sure that there are no leftover registry keys in your system and download and install the latest version of SwannEye Monitoring. Once the installation process is complete, launch the software, press the
icon and fill up the Add device info fields with the name of your IP camera, Domain address, Port number and your account information:

If you still have issues, I suggest you use another IP Camera viewer from Software Informer database.