English20 Interactive activation problem.

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asked by about English20 Interactive
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Why can't I activate English20 Interactive after installation? I receive a "Site not available" message.

3 Answers

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No avatar answered by (132k points)

In order to activate the program, you need to purchase a license. You receive the "Site not available" message because the application can't find the developer's website. From what it seems, the Reader's Digest English is out of business and there is no contact information available. I suggest you purchase a license for English20 Interactive from Amazon, eBay or other similar websites.

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answered by

i bought one package of reader,s digest a few last years ago but i cant use of it because i cant find in my pakage activation code. please help me how i can find in my package

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answered by

My code to English20 Interactive did not work. Few year ago program was installed on the old computer. The code is disposable? How I can take new code?

I have activation card.

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answered by

My code to English20 Interactive did not work.

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answered by

My code to English20 Interactive did not work. I have activation card.

can you help me. my email: noureddine.ben020971@yahoo.fr

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