How do I know if I'm blocked on Viber?

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Usually when I send a text through Viber it will show as delivered at the bottom of the message I sent. How can you tell if someone has blocked you?

related to an answer for: How to know who deleted the Viber app?

10 Answers

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No avatar answered by (309k points)

Once you are blocked, there is no way to tell if someone actually blocked you. Yes, you can send messages via the usual way but it's uncertain if they will be delivered or not even if it says Delivered. That message ensures that the sent message was delivered through Viber's servers.

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you can send anything even when you blocked on viber and the ((delivered)) mark appears under your message but the ((seen)) mark it's the point... simply if you blocked you can't see the ((seen)) mark under your message.

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You have a few alternative to find out.

  1. Send the person a massage from a different number on viber and see if it shows "seen" under your massage.
  2. If seen that means he/she has not turned her "Send "seen" Statues" off. Now you know that when you send him/her a massage from your number but it does not show "seen" but shows only "delivered" that means he/she has blocked you.
  3. You can also know that by his/her profile picture. If he/she has blocked you, you can only see her/his profile picture of the time when he/she blocked you and it never changes. Add her/him in another viber number and see what profile picture it shows there. That will show different one if he/she changes his/her profile.
  4. If he/she has blocked you, you giver him/her a call from viber and it shows "Calling" not "Ringing". :) good luck
commented by (100 points)
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Even if you are block from viber would my call go through?
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also with the newest update, if a user has blocked you they will not show up as online. It will show random times that they have been on.

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if someone has blocked you on viber , you will not be able to see his online status/ his profile picture (when he change it) and delivery status (seen) You can check from another phone by adding a contact , if he is online and/or have a new profile picture and can receive your messages (seen) than he is probably blocking you

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if someone has blocked you on viber, you will no longer see their profile photo, a delivered message or their online status/last seen status. I just learned from experience.

commented by (100 points)
Just to clarify: so if someone has blocked me on Viber I will not see the persons "last seen status" either? Because someone before you said that you won't be able to see if a persons "online status", but you are saying that if you still see the persons "Last seen status" then you are not blocked? I would really appreciate an answer. Thank you
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No avatar answered by (160 points)

Yes, you won't see 'last seen' or online status if you're being blocked. Otherwise you will.

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okay. so i finally have an answer to this one, for i have two viber accounts, and i blocked myself, okay. and i also had 2 people block me on purpose just so we could compare. i think viber made some changes over the years, and right now, as long as the other person's viber account is in the default mode (he never tinkered with the privacy setting), this is how you should know if you were blocked, without having to message him/her or any indiscreet method others are proposing. Really guys, sometimes, a person's just got to know if he's blocked or whatever without looking like he's still trying to get in touch. anyways... because i have so much time on my hands and i dont wanna take Viber's statement for it...

For the latest Viber version update 7.6.0 (year 2017 version)

Given that this person allows his/her last seen status and profile picture visible to all by default, immediately after blocking, the first to disappear is the Last Seen status. And then after 2 hours or even less, the picture will also disappear. Also, the message you send will not show any delivered/seen status at all. if you try to add this person to a group chat, viber will not also allow you to do so. meanwhile, if the person is a part of a group chat you were in, you will still see his messages, and picture only in your group's chat box. (but his profile outside of that group chat will still be empty, so that difference makes it pretty obvious )

i dont really advise for you to send a message because hello, have some self respect, if the probable reason was that maybe you felt the other person was already avoiding you, why else would you try to send a message, or even try adding this person to a group chat? because if the person has not blocked you YET, Viber will definitely let him/her know about that activity and that would be super awkward! maybe you'd give him a reason to actually block you. so stop being annoying.

Now, since there is a privacy option for some people to not allow his/her last status seen, and there are people who take down their photo, you need to get the help of other people, or have a new viber account to confirm what has just happened. simply sign in to another person's viber, then add the number of the person whom you think blocked you, and voila.

  1. if the profile shows both the photo and last seen status, then yes, 100%. you had been blocked.
  2. if the photo is not there but last seen is present, you had also been blocked. it just happened that the person had his settings to not allow anonymous people(not listed in his contacts) to view his picture.
  3. if the photo and last seen status arent visible, same as what appears in your own viber account, then have some hope, that well, maybe, just maybe, you guys are still okay. but that does not guarantee that you werent blocked. it is actually very hard to tell. nonetheless, move on with your life.
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if the profile shows both the photo and last seen status but when i send a message it doesnt say delivered or seen what does it mean?

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It means that the bitch or the faggot who blocked you has an iphone

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