Working with DateDiff function.

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asked by about Quest Software Toad for Data Analysts
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I have a problem while working with DateDiff function. I tried DateDiff ("h",TEHO_PVM1,TEHO_PVM2) where variable TEHO_PVM1 = "4.05.14 05:19:09" and TEHO_PVM2 = "20.04.14 22:16:39". I always get 0 as a result. Why is this happening?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (77.9k points)

It seems that you are not using the function properly. You should try with the following syntax : DateDiff (HH,TEHOPVM1,TEHOPVM2). If the result is still 0, try searching the Internet for other references or examples about this function. Might be a good idea to start with a website like W3schools. You can find plenty of references about almost all programing languages there.

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