Simplorer Function Block.

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asked by about Ansoft Simplorer
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I'm a new user of Simplorer. Is there any type of function block I can use where given some input to the block, I write code to determine the output of the block?

For example, I know in Simulink there is a "MATLAB Function" block where I can write MATLAB code to determine the output of the block, given the inputs to the block. Does anything similar to this exist in Simplorer?

I tried searching the help menu but was not able to find anything useful there.

Thanks, Kevin

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (236k points)

This question has been posted on various forums as well, but since there is no precise explanation on how the functions block module/operations works, I recommend reading the manual. There is a manual file in PDF format. You can use it to read about the whole Simplorer functionality (including function block as well).

Note: You will need Adobe Reader or a compatible PDF reader in order to open the file on your computer.

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