Setting the homepage.

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asked by about HelpMaker
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I have used Helpmaker to build a help file, but I don't know how to set the home page. When I click on the 'TestHelp' --> 'Run current help file', and I click on 'Home page' (the house icon) it appears a web page that tell me: "Can't display the page." How can I do it?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (329k points)
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The homepage should lead you straight to the beginning of the document, not some web site. However, in order to configure that, you will have to use vahelp74.chm file that's available in the installation directory. The file provides all the necessary help for the application. Access it and use the Search to learn how to configure the homepage. I have tried to install it, but it's not compatible with 64bit versions of Windows.

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