I downloaded Filezilla and I can't open the file.

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No avatar asked by (220 points) about FileZilla Client
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How do I find my FTP server? How do I get it to work? I downloaded Filezilla and I can't open the file, it asks for my password but they did not supplied me one.

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (329k points)

This is just a media placer with built-in codecs. It does not have anything to do with FTP servers. FileZilla is just a FTP client used to connect to FTP servers. However, the application is trustwhorthy and you should use something else instead of this. For example, VLC is a media player application that is safe to use/

commented by (220 points)
Thanks, this is the one I have, I need to know how to get it to connect to the FTP server, it does not work otherwise.
0 votes
No avatar answered by (236k points)
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FileZilla consists of a server and a client. You use the client to connect to the server, but to do that, you need to install a server on the target computer. Download the server file and install it. During its installation, you will be asked to set up a password.

To install the client using a guide, access the page: https://wiki.filezilla-project.org/Client_Installation

Secondly, configure the server using the guide on the following page: https://wiki.filezilla-project.org/FAQ#FileZilla_Server_FAQ

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