Is WhatsApp available for PC?

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asked by (120 points) about WhatsApp For PC
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Is WhatsApp available for PC?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (236k points)
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No, WhatsApp is not officially released for Microsoft Windows. There is an alternative client called Wassapp but it's not recommended because it has been reported to be fake. Try to install Bluestacks then you can install WhatsApp. You might need to have your phone nearby to enter the code received through SMS.

You can manually download WhatsApp for Bluestacks using this direct download URL:

0 votes
answered by (140 points)

No. Whatsapp doesn't have a pc client per say, but you can have it on your Windows pc using a android emulator like BlueStacks. If you're using an iPhone and want to extract and read the chat logs on your PC or Mac, you can use WhatsApp Pocket instead.

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