How do you do half and half filters on Snapchat?

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How do you do half and half filters on Snapchat?

3 Answers

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No avatar answered by (193k points)
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There are only 3 filter available that work on iOS and Android. Before applying filter, go to Settings and enable features related to filters and effects then while on a chat, type the following words for desired effects:

  • B&w
  • Negative
  • Sepia Note: Sepia only works on Android. iOS version of the app does not allow that.

Another possibility to apply filters is by drawing a gesture while using camera :

  • swipe to the left
  • swipe down
  • swipe to the left then down
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To do a half filter you go to the filter you want and slide it so that way the line is in the middle. Then you hold it there and press the draw button. Then press undo if it made a mark on your photo.

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take a picture of your choice and then put the filter half and half of what you want then while still holding your finger down on the filter click the "T" button at the same time and it will stay

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