Migration of Delphi 7 to Delphi XE and want to replace existing BDE component.

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asked by about InfoPower Studio 2011 for Delphi XE and Delphi 2010
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We are migrating all our applications from Delphi 7 to Delphi XE and want to replace all our BDE component. We have decided to go with DBGo as replacement of BDE. In existing applications, we have heavily used TwwQuery (Woll2woll Infopower component).Please answer the following questions :

  1. Can we use ADOConnection with TwwQuery (InfoPower Studio 2011 for Delphi XE )?
  2. What is the best way to replace BDE component so that we can go with TwwQuery?

1 Answer

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answered by (264k points)
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Migrating from one version to another could cause additional problems. It's not about the software used, but the database format. There is a known problem with Unicode support. It's known to cause a total mess with your databases. Before updating, I recommend checking Delphi and Unicode book released on the Embarcadero website. It should give you an insight regarding Delphi, Unicode support and migration. For the ADOConnection, it doesn't appear to have anything related to TwwQuery. No search results indicated compatibility or working mode between these two. These is another document explaining the work of Delphi, BDE Component and the Query function. Use the following website to read it: http://www.prestwood.com/aspsuite/kb/document_view.asp?qid=100296

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