Problems opening Gaussian output files on Moldraw.

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asked by about moldraw
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I have created a .com file as an input. I ran an oniom calculation on Gaussview and created a .log file as an output. In order to use the Crystal method I am using Moldraw. I tried to import my .log file, but it doesn't seem to work and shows an error. The .log file ran perfectly fine and converged. Can you help me?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (132k points)

Firstly, make sure that you're trying to open a .log file in Moldraw. Right-click the file you want to import, select Properties, open the General tab and check the information next to the Type of file. If it is a .log file, upgrade the Moldraw software to the latest version. After that, launch the utility, click Import and from the drop-down list next to File name select the first option:

enter image description here

Select the .log file and then press Open. If the issue persists, use email address to get in touch with the support team.

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