I can't install Adobe Flash Player

0 votes
asked by (120 points) about Adobe Flash Player
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I'm trying to install Adobe Flash Player but can't do that. What can be the reason for that?

3 Answers

+2 votes
answered by (15.6k points)

One of the reasons why you can't install Adobe Flash Player on your computer might be the fact that your system doesn't meet the minimum system requirements. Go to this address http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/tech-specs.html and verify your computer configuration. If your system can't support the latest version of Adobe Flash Player, you can download and install an older version of the application from this location http://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player/kb/archived-flash-player-versions.html Another theory is the fact that the access Flash Player is restricted by your Firewall or other Internet Utilities, such as Norton Internet Utilities: remove ActiveX from the restricted applications list and add it to the white list. Also, for Firefox, Adobe Flash Player is installed as a plug-in, so you might want to check its status from Firefox Menu> Add-ons> Plugins> Shockwave Flash> Enable. The steps are the same for Internet Explorer: Tools > Manage Add-ons> Shockwave Flash> Enable. If you are trying to update your Adobe Flash Player, the version you want to download might be newer by the one that is already installed on your system. Also, another Flash Player installer might be already running. Close one of the active installers. If an application is currently using Adobe Flash Player, you will have to close it, in order to download and install a newer version. If the errors appears due to the lack of permissions, you must sign in with administrator rights.

0 votes
answered by (2.7k points)

Depends on what it tells you__

0 votes
answered (8.1k points)

I checked the site Andie advised, http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/tech-specs.html, & saw that the compatibility issues are the most frequent specs for adobe not getting installed.

However, I also checked my task manager while installing on my own system, it becomes that there are times when there are 2 activex flash getting updated, & that the flash updates is on, which is countering the flash installation, which makes an error.

If this is the case, please end the 2nd running update, & it will work.

Hope this helps.


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