Adobe Flash Player is installed, but it does not work.

+2 votes
asked by (140 points) about Adobe Flash Player
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Adobe Flash Player is installed, but it does not work. How can I make it work?

4 Answers

+1 vote
answered (8.1k points)

What Alex said is true, however, what exactly are you hinting at out here by asking that it does not work? When you play Videos upstream, then the Flash works, cause many sites need compatability on your system to work those files. Site which generally have videos in any other format than FLV, MP4 & MPEG4, require these, at times even an AVI files requires this.

However, I will recommend you to keep uplifting your flash to the latest version, & always keep the last versions' .exe files within reach, so that you can switch to the older version, in case the latest crashes.

commented by (100 points)
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For unresponsive or crash flash notifications, switching to another browser can workaround & play the content at issue "now".  great point by Vishal, keeping a prior version exe accessible..  some good resource here >

commented (8.1k points)
The only thing that assists here is that the SI is updated, however the mother site is not offering the beta releases, as these are not available readily, which is why my system is always giving me beta updates. Check it here as Parvenu stated:
+1 vote
answered by (200 points)
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Could be your registry has crashed, check it with CCLEANER (freeware) to clean up.

asked May 28, 2013
edited Jun 5, 2013 by
Clean up kills Adobe Flashplayer on my laptop
0 votes
No avatar answered by (309k points)

Adobe Flash Player is a technology rather than an application you can start. Once installed, Adobe Flash Player enables you to watch, play and stream Flash content. This isn't a standalone application that you can start or stop. It embeds into your system's files, browser and enables you to watch rich content using animations, sounds, etc.

0 votes
answered by

Check this on official site

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