I forgot my Android File Hide Expert password. How can I recover it?

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asked by about File Hide Expert-Hide Pictures
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I forgot my Android File Hide Expert password. How can I recover it?

3 Answers

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No avatar answered by (79.9k points)
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The official website of the developer is down. The only way to recover your password is by using an Email application that you previously configured with your File Hide Expert. If you didn't do this, there is no way you can recover the password.

The application was tested, and a glitch was encountered regarding this problem. If the application was uninstalled and then installed again, the password was removed and all the files that were hide using it weren't lost. You can try this for yourself.

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Thanks Alot #Aiden McLeod.

It worked and I got my file back....

TOoooo Happy :)

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I forgot my file hider app password i need to recover the same kindly help me

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HRIDOY KHAN JAHID Forget my password I Am lost my password Please forgotten it

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I have forgotten my password, what should I do now?

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