I am in the US. How can I connect with someone who has a phone number in England?
You will need to add his number into the Contact list of your phone then use Viber > Settings > Contacts > Update Contacts. He/she needs to have Viber installed as well.
how would you like to connect to him ? is it via internet (viber ...etc.) or gsm calls ?
email, on-line chat tool, call your friend directly...i do not know which one u prefer..
You can use skype, or connect through online email, etc.
What you mean by connect with him? You can just call his number, remember to add country code and area code before his number when calling.
You may also chat with him using Internet like chat room, or whatsapp if he has access to Internet.
You should install Viber or skype on your phone and tell your friend install this software also. Then using it to call together.
Add his number on Viber. He needs to have the software to talk with you.
Download VOIPStunt I have used it for a few years. The extra I use is a USB handset. You connect to your friends telephone, you use yor PC.