EZ Ledes billing software migration.

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Good morning,

We are Bakker & Verkuijl in Netherlands. We use your EZ Ledes software for billing our client Procter & Gamble company. Our subscription runs until 1/1/14 and should be renewed thereafter. Our firm has moved offices and we have new computer systems (Windows 7) installed. Can you provide us with the necessary information how we should proceed in order that your software can be installed on our new system. Thank you for an early response.

Best regards, Eric Bakker.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

If you have moved, you can download the application again and use the same credentials to register the application or contact the developer if you have any other questions about migration and how things should be done.

asked Sep 8, 2016 by Aaron
edited Sep 27, 2016 by
EZLedes does not open files after Windows 10 upgrade.

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