Terrain Awareness information.

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asked by about Avare
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I like most of what this app offers, but the terrain function is almost useless. Basically the screen will be black for any surface that is below the plane and if above the plane you have a visual of the nearby terrain.

However, compared to other Terrain Awareness Systems on apps such as Anywhere Maps, AOPA Fly Q efb, Naviator., which show terrain above in red, terrain 500 feet below in yellow and terrain with 1000 foot clearance in green, this one is not very good.

That said, for a donation app this has many good features which are superior to those other apps.

I am currently using Avilution Maps which is a good app, but it has no TAWS at all. They say they are working on it and they will eventually have a good TAWS in the app.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (309k points)

If you have a certain request regarding application's functionality, then there is a forum you can use to address requests or report bug problems. Access the forum and read what other users have said about it. Additionally, get in touch with the developer using the official email address attached to the application: apps4av@gmail.com.

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