How can I upgrade my Tecno D3 to Android version 4.1? It's using Android 2.3.6 presently.

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commented by (120 points)
It is not working. Why

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (309k points)
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commented by (100 points)
@Alex Urbach

Essentially, Tecno phones do not have that feature i.e of upgrading the OS via Software Updater, hence it is necessary to flash a custom ROM if you want to upgrade to a newer version. At present the only fully working custom ROM for Tecno P3 that I could find was Ice-cream Sandwish.

Note: Your phone must be rooted.

Follow the instructions at the following link to achieve the afore-mentioned:
commented by (100 points)

I'm sorry, I misread your question, I thought you were asking for P3; Google for D3, someone should have put up something by now...
So they say "hope for the best, prepepare for the worst"

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No avatar answered by (140 points)

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