Obsolete updates with MacInformer

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No avatar asked by (140 points)

Have tested MacInformer on Intel Mac with OS 10.8.3. For trial, updated 5 applications: AppDelete, Amadeus Pro, Audio Hijack Pro, Install Adobe Flash Player, and MacInformer (simac). MacInformer downloaded the same version that was already running, and the others downloaded EARLIER versions than those already installed; one was for 2 versions earlier. Gave up on CNET TechTracker for the same reason. Any help or advice available, please?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (640 points)


I first thought you were referring to false update notifications, so I checked the first two apps.

AppDelete Reported latest version: 4.0.6. Actual latest version (as downloaded from Mac Informer): 4.0.6. Actual latest version (as downloaded from reggieashworth.com): 4.0.6.

Amadeus Pro Reported version: 2.1.3. Actual version: 2.1.3.

No discrepancies there. I'm not saying that the app is infallible, but the idea is that it will notify you when there's a known update (those will crop up in the Updates tab). There's no need to download apps manually to check whether there are.

As for older downloads - I'll look into those. There does sometimes happen to be a bit of a delay between the moment when an update gets released and the moment when we get to know about it. But these don't actually cause users to install older versions of apps, as they don't bring up any update notifications.

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