Using MITO to transfer images

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about MITO - Medical Imaging Toolkit
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I want to ask if someone knows how to use MITO to transfer an image from a CR, US and so on to PACS. I see that there's a network option, but I can't understand it. There are options called AE and Callin AE, for example. Can you help me?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (132k points)
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In order to transfer the images to PACS, I suggest you download and install the latest version of MITO - Medical Imaging Toolkit. The new version of the program is easy to use and allows you to transfer the data very easy. All you need to do after you've downloaded the images from CR, US, MR, XA, CT, NM, RT, OT, DX, MG, PT, or SC using the Query button (enter image description here), is to press the Send to Pacs option from the Pacs menu and to follow the on-screen instructions:

enter link description here

I suggest you contact the developers for further information. You can get in touch with them using email address.

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