Having problems running the program on my new computer.

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asked by (120 points) about Lay From 3
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I have currently purchased a new computer and I am frustrated. Microsoft keeps sending error reports, then closing the program down. On my old computer, I didn't have this problem. I would be interested if other users encounter the same behavior as I do? Also, is there something that I can do to overcome this?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (79.9k points)
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The behavior that you encounter on the new computer might be caused due to the fact that the application is not compatible with your current operating system. This might be developed to run on an older OS. In this case, you can use the compatibility features that are available in your new OS. To do this, right click on the application EXE file, choose Properties > Compatibility > Run this program in compatibility with and select the OS that you had on your older PC from the drop-down menu. This should help you overcome the problem. Also, you can contact the developer directly on the following mail address: admin@programblingproducts.co.uk for further assistance.

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