I can't find my locked files after re-installation of Windows XP.

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asked by about instant Lock
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I cannot found my locked file/folder after re-installation of Windows XP SP2 by using the same password. How can I recover my file? My file should be on (F:) drive. I can't find it using data recovery software.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (132k points)
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As you can see in the FAQ section at the official web page, new OS installations may alter a disk format and it is recommended to unlock the folders and take backups before reinstalling the OS. Since the file/folder is locked and you don't have a backup, remove Instant Lock using Add or Remove Programs feature and the password used to lock your files and check the (F:) directory. If you can't find it, try using the search engine from the Start menu. Alternatively, you can use support@instantlock.net email address to get in touch with the support team.

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