File locations and the way data is arranged in EZ file conversion versus normal itunes data file

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about EZ Vinyl/Tape Converter by MixMeister

I have been using EZ vinyl converter for about 1 yr., no problems. I would like to ask if I have any control over where the ez files go into itunes. Currently, they go into an unkown artist file. The normal itunes file have columns for Name, Contributing artist, title, #, and album. The EZ coverter files have columns for name, contributing artist, title, #, and album. In the normal the name and title are exactly the same, i.e., the track name. In the EZ converter the name is someting like "temp 1 6" and the title is the track name. Can someone help me figure this one out, it makes it tough to share files with someone else.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (140 points)

Frank: I realize this is an older query, but I had the same question and discovered the temp file location, so I'll post it here. I have the EZ Vinyl/Tape Converter Version 10 running on Windows 8. I suspect this will be true for Win 7 and possibly XP. Do this after recording but before converting to iTunes. Open a Windows Explorer window, set to view hidden files, then go to usersUser IDAppdataLocalTemp. Sort the files by date, assuming you've just used EZ. You'll see a WAV file.. something like temp1.wav. I'm not sure how multiple tracks will appear, possibly as individual WAV files. I suspect EZ deletes these files after converting them to mp3 format for iTunes. Hope this helps. Tom.

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