Java Uploader problems.

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asked by about Java SE Development Kit
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Java Uploader is not running. Can you help?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered by (1.6k points)

If that is not working then try a manual method You can get the latest/archive Java download form the site.

0 votes
No avatar answered by (132k points)

Java Uploader is a tool that comes packaged with Java. In order to fix the issues, I suggest you update the program to the latest version. Once the installation process is complete, your browser should identify it as a plugin and enable it by default. If not, you can enable from the following locations:

  • Mozilla Firefox: Click Tools and then Add-ons;

  • Internet Explorer: Click Tools and then Manage Add-ons;

  • Google Chrome: Type chrome://plugins/ in the address bar.

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