The game does not work. It starts up but when I begin to play it, it just stops.

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asked by about Fishdom 2
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The game does not work. It starts up but when I begin to play it, it just stops. The air message reads:

Error access violation at 0x045734B (tried to read from 0x00000000).

I have no idea what it means. Can someone help?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (236k points)
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Access violation errors are often caused due to compatibility issues between the application and the operating system, lack of updates, bad installation, corrupted registry files. The first thing to do is to re-install the application, but before doing that I recommend to install CCleaner to clean up the registry left by the uninstaller. CCleaner will delete obsolete data. This is a vital step in a repairing operation. After you complete this step, you can proceed further to install the actual game. If you still encounter errors, you should contact the developer to clarify the point.

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