Windows Media Player is not working properly anymore.

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about Windows Media Player
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I did a restore and now I cannot import CDs. What can I do?

3 Answers

+1 vote
answered by (1.6k points)

Update your windows and reinstall the windows Media Player from Good Luck

0 votes
answered by

A "Windows Repair" would be better, especially following a restore! Put your opsys disk in the CD/DVD player, then reboot. As soon as you see a black screen with a single line of text in the top left of your monitor, saying something about hitting a key to start running off your CD/DVD, hit your key or most other benign keys and it'll start up. You'll want to choose the "REPAIR" option when you see it.

Good luck!

0 votes
No avatar answered by (193k points)

In order to fix the problem, try running the Fix It utility provided by Microsoft. It is specially designed to fix all major Windows Media Player problems. If the issues persist, navigate to Start > Control Panel > Uninstall a program and open Turn Windows features on or off. Expand the Media Features list, uncheck the Windows Media Player box, click OK and reboot your computer. After that, enable again Windows Media Player using Turn Windows features on or off tool and try again to import your CDs using the instructions from Microsoft Support page.

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