My webcam colors are green.

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asked by about Update for Windows XP
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My webcam colors are green. How can I turn them back to normal?

4 Answers

+1 vote
No avatar answered by (160 points)

1.go to the shop you buyed it from. 2.go to the customer services. 3.say i would like to have an exchange please. 4.get another one. 5.thats you done!!!

0 votes
answered by

i try to update my windows but after that my desktop background turns black and the message appears "this copy of windows did not pass genuine window validation". How can i fix it?

0 votes
No avatar answered by (18.7k points)

Buy licensed version of windows, or find genuine deactivator

0 votes
No avatar answered by (132k points)

In order to fix the issue, you will need to reset the webcam settings to default. For this purpose, navigate to Start > Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Device Manager and expand the Imaging Devices and Universal Serial Bus controllers lists. Locate your webcam driver, right-click on its icon and select Uninstall. After that, reboot your PC and reinstall the webcam files from the CD received when you purchased the device. If you no longer have the CD, download the latest drivers from the webcam developer's website.

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