proxy settings for rediffbol

+1 vote
No avatar asked by (180 points) about Rediff Bol

This is Rohit I am using Windows XP,I installed rediffbol 8.0 version when I was trying to sign in then the response is "Are you connected to internet ?If not please connect and try again E[110]",and also asking about proxy settings what is the procedure I have to follow for proxy settings if so please send the path so that I can do it.

1 Answer

0 votes
No avatar answered by (140 points)

This is iqbal I am using vista,I installed rediffbol 8.0 version when I was trying to sign in then the response is "Are you connected to internet ?If not please connect and try again E[110]",and also asking about proxy settings what is the procedure I have to follow for proxy settings if so please send the path so that I can do it

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