I am not able to find version 5, I think the information I got from software informer is incorrect and why is it that false information is being deliverd?

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asked by about avast! Antivirus

I am not able to find version 5, I think the information I got from software informer is incorrect and why is it that false information is being deliverd?

2 Answers

+1 vote
No avatar answered by (320 points)

This are the latest update info for Avast! Home Edition (Free)

  • Program: Updated (previous version: 4.8.1201, updated version: 4.8.1229)
  • Vps: Updated (previous version: 080709-0, updated version: 080723-1)
  • Setup: Updated (previous version: 4.8.1201, updated version: 4.8.1229)
0 votes
No avatar answered by (140 points)

Actually there is an Avast 5 Antivirus but its only an beta 2 version which was available for free from the avast website.... So Software informer must have actually meant this only....

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