I have used Tweak UI to make some settings with success. Love the program. BUT... I keep having to tell it to not require a name selection at logon. I will make the setting in Tweak UI, reboot and it successfully bypasses that step of logon. But the...

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about Tweak UI

I have used Tweak UI to make some settings with success. Love the program. BUT... I keep having to tell it to not require a name selection at logon. I will make the setting in Tweak UI, reboot and it successfully bypasses that step of logon. But the next time I reboot, it stops during logon for me to click my name. I also use Registry Mechanic, CCleaner and SpySweeper. I have wondered if Registry Mechanic is clearing a setting TweakUI needs, or is there a cookie that I need to have left alone in order for TweakUI to be able to hold onto this one setting. Any ideas?

1 Answer

+1 vote
No avatar answered by (220 points)

You probably have Fast User Switching turned on (it enables someone to log on to another account on the same computer without first logging off the current account).


In Windows XP, you can turn it off by going to the Control Panel, opening User Accounts, click "Change the way users log on and off", and uncheck "Use Fast User Switching".

In Windows Vista, it's a bit harder... Go to the start button, choose Run, type gpedit.msc and hit OK. On the left pane you want to open the folder Local Computer Policy > Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Logon On the right pane you want to double click on "Hide entry points for Fast User Switching," click Enabled and hit OK. Then do the same for "Always use classic logon".

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