I need help with a new computer and an old application.

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asked by about SylCount IV Lines Only Edition
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I bought Sylcount lines only edition a while back.

I had to get a new computer since my old one was not working so well. I can not remember how I got Sylcount (downloaded or disk installation, probably, downloaded). I need to install the app on my new computer (Windows 7), could you advise the way to go?

1 Answer

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answered by (264k points)
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Since you've acquired a new computer, you will need to download Sylcount again. The application is shareware, so you will need to purchase a new version of the product if you want to benefit from all its functions.

Installation is easy, just download the package and perform the installation using Run as Administrator (right click the file). If you purchase the application you can activate it within the main menu.

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