Bypassing YouTube age restrictions in Vdownloader.

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asked by (120 points)
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VDownloader shows me this message when I try to download a video:

Requested video has the age limitations. Please try to specify YouTube integration credentials if you sure that your account has permissions for this video.

I am sure my YouTube account passes the age requirement and I am sure I can watch the video in the browser, but the problem is the software won't let me download it. How can I resolve this problem?

3 Answers

0 votes
answered by (100k points)
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When you log in on the YouTube website using a browser, the site stores a cookie on your computer with all the information about your account. Trying to use the application without an account while watching a video with restricted age it will show you that error. The software already features a log-in box where you enter your credentials in order to bypass the limitation.

Please go to main window of the software then Options > Configuration > Integration> click on YouTube and enter your username and password. Please restart the application for the changes to take effect. Also, I have attached an image for easy identification of the setting I mentioned.


commented by (100 points)
I did this and it still didn't work. what then?
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answered by

That doesn't work!!! Any one has the answer??? Thank you

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answered by

YouTube integration credentials if you sure that your account has permissions for this video.

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