I have problems downloading a batch at a later scheduled time in VDownloader

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Each time I try to download a batch at a later scheduled time with the following parameters (enable download scheduler;Perform on weekdays between 00:05 and 04:55; Perform during the weekend between 00:05 and 04:55; Only run when AC power is plugged in; Shut down PC when the scheduler finishes its work between 00:05 and 04:55) the URLs are not listed in the Batch Download window.

When I click OK in the window, the videos start downloading immediately and not at the later scheduled time. I have contacted VDownloader but didn't get a response.

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (193k points)
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The scheduler works just fine, only you need to uncheck Only run when AC power is plugged in. Another setting could be that the time of the computer is not correctly configured. Try to set up the same time format in the scheduler window and your computer's clock and it will work in a correct way.

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answered by (140 points)

Thanks Pete, I did as you instructed, unchecked Only run when AC power... and I changed the time on computer to HH:mm same as the scheduler, but it is still immediately downloading out of the Batch window when I click OK. What am I doing wrong? I really appreciate your help. Dean

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