Problem with the phone's connectivity.

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I'm using VOIP discount app in my Android-based phone (Sony Xperia U). I have been able to use the app smoothly with 3G and WiFi, but I could not connect the app through my new WiFi modem for the past 2 weeks, but still I can access through 3G. I cannot fix this issue, so please give me some suggestions to solve this problem. I tried to connect for long time but the error message is still showing "Could not connect. Restricted connection." But I can connect through other WiFi connections. I have a problem only with my WiFi connection.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

Please connect to your router and disable the firewall. Most likely VOIP is not allowed to connect because of the firewall. For example, a power outage could reset the router and restore the settings to default.

You should check the ports VOIP uses, so that you can open them to allow traffic then you will be able to use your WiFi connection.

asked Jul 23, 2013 by (120 points)
edited Aug 2, 2013 by
Are there any firewall settings available on mobile?

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