"Server Unreachable" while using Tunatic.

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asked by about Tunatic
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I have a problem with Tunatic on Windows 8. It says "Server Unreachable". Can you help me please?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (309k points)
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You should check the firewall, it's best to turn it off while you are performing diagnostic operations. After you do this, try to use the application again. If you receive the same error then it means the servers are down or in maintenance. As I can see, it's also possible that the application is out of service and the servers turned off.

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I make some investigation and looks like such situation happens (win10 in my case) when web browser with html5 (e.g. Youtube) content is opened. As workaround I switch YouTube to 'Compatibility mode' in IE11 which force using flash player instead of HTML5.

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