BIAS SoundSaver for INport registration problem.

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about BIAS SoundSaver
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I had purchased the above software a few years ago. I registered the product under with my email and the serial no. on the CD cover of the installation disc. I have had to re-install the software after upgrading to Windows 8. However, when I enter the serial no. on the CD cover, I get an error message "invalid serial number" and the software does not open. Please help!

1 Answer

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answered by (264k points)

The error you're receiving is related to the fact that the serial number expired and it has to be renewed. Since the developer controls this procedure, you will need to contact him or the sales team to figure this out. It is possible that the serial number has a limited number of activations available and it appears that you've used them all.

Since Bias-Inc has ceased its activity, you will need to call them using the number provided on the support page that is still available for customers and users.

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