I want to change my password in Windows 7 using the "cmd" command. How can I do this?

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I want to change my password in Windows 7 using "cmd". How can I do this?

4 Answers

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No avatar answered by (193k points)
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In Windows 7 you can change the password of the current username using the command prompt along with the net command which controls most of the system through different command strings.

Go to Start and type "cmd". Right click the found item on the list and run it as Administrator. After the Command Prompt is open, type net user to list the users on your computer then select for example: *net user testuser ** and you will be prompted to select a new password. Type it twice and the password will be changed. If you are a computer Administrator, you can change passwords to other accounts using this way.

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No avatar answered by (140 points)
  1. Logon you computer with another user account which has admin privileges.
  2. Click Start, type in "CMD.EXE" in the search box, press Enter.
  3. Cammand screen apears, type in "net user" "user name" " new password", press Enter. The user account password will be replace as the new one.

If that doesn't work, you can try the a password recovery tool such as SmartKey Windows Password Recovery from http://www.recoverlostpassword.com/products/windowspasswordrecovery.html

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answered by (410 points)

I have to say that if you can still login pc with admin account, Using "cmd" to change password will be available for you. Or, you can't. You have to refer to pro Windows Password Recovery Tool to change Windows 7 password! Get the video for details: http://youtu.be/7nSs0LtA8XY

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You can log in to your win 7 computer from Safe Mode.Windows 7 system has a built-in administrator account that is created during Windows installation and disable by default, which has no password in it. You need to enable that account before forgetting your other admin account password. Otherwise your built-in administrator account won’t appear in the screen in this tip. Step1: Start your win 7 computer and press “F8″ while the computer boots up. Scroll down to “Safe Mode with Command Prompt” with the arrow keys on the keyboard and press “Enter.” Your computer starts in Safe Mode with Command Prompt. Step2: Select the Administrator account that appear in the screen, then enter command prompt. Type: net user 123456 and enter ( is the account name and 123456 is the new password), it will show you a message that” the command completed successfully. Step3: Restart your win 7 computer, then you can log in as ** with the password 123456. You can go to control Panel to change your account password if necessary. If you have any quedtion please turn to http://resetwindows7passwords.blogspot.com/2014/06/how-to-unlock-windows-7-password.html

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