How to access a Yahoo account if security questions are lost?

+1 vote
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I forgot my security questions and alternative email ID. Help me, please!

33 Answers

+1 vote
answered by (160 points)

i have facebook password but i forget my yahoo password and lose my phone no so how can i recover my facebook password

+1 vote
answered by

Could not remember the security question asked about the nickname of my eldest child

+1 vote
answered by

i know my yahoo id and password and still it asks me security question which i dont know how can i disable that????

+1 vote
answered by

I forgot my security questions and alternative email ID. Help me, please!

+1 vote
answered by

I had the same problem... but I just solved mine. All I did was acted like i forgot my passsword. When I got to my other email and clicked on the link in my inbox to "change my password", I was redirected to the page to create a new password. I ended up creating a new password and when I was finished, I was signed in on the email that I originally couldn't get into. Try that and see if it works for you... Hope I could help(:

commented (7.9k points)
This only works when you have an alternate email.. :(
+1 vote
answered by

If you account is now locked, try the following options:

1- Go to Choose: " I have a problem with my password " This will give you more tries of answering your security questions without the threat of being blocked.

2- After 12 or 24 hours try your password again. If you get locked again, wait another day and try again. Do this for 3 or more times. Eventually Yahoo will let you in, or it might not.

3- Try to sign-in from a different page: ◦Yahoo Account -- ◦Yahoo Mail -- ◦My Yahoo --

Finally, if you think there is no way in hell that you will ever remember the answers for your security questions, contact these guys:

commented (7.9k points)
The contact you mentioned are not always closed, as they are bound with rules.
+1 vote
answered by

honestly i don't know what i will do if this account does not open, i have being log in with my phone and i always leave it open but when i tried to log in on my computer it just didn't work. i kept trying till i was asked a security question and i have forgotten the answer to my security question so how can i get to my mails now without the answers to question. please since 2010 how can i remember the name of my favorite uncle?

+1 vote
answered by

i cannot access my email and i cannot remember the security question

+1 vote
answered by

i can't remember the security question asked about my youngest child's naickname

+1 vote
answered by

Yahoo Tech Support 24/7 phone number is:

1-888-858-2728 (Toll Free)

This number is for Yahoo mail password recovery, account recovery and login issues.

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