What version of Java do I need and where do I get it?

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I am using Windows 7 and Officenow 3.5 Java Runtime Version 7 update 17 (Build 1.7.0 17-b02). Officenow does not like that version, what do I need to do?

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered (8.1k points)
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You just need to update the Java version to the latest, as this requires the latest version of java to be used with the same. Please run jucheck.exe from your system & it will advise if there is any new version it can run to.

Its just that new runtime version is required which is the latest version which is available:

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No avatar answered by (309k points)
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You can use its uninstaller to completely remove your current Java installation. Once you perform this operation, please install CCleaner and clean the remaining registry entries that are related to Java. After you complete this step, please download JRE 6 with the latest update, since its compatibility is greatly enhanced with all kinds of products.

commented (8.1k points)
Alex, I believe that there is no requirement of uninstalling & cleaning registry, as the problem that he is facing is being faced by my colleague in my office, & I have just updated the platform, & it works fine. Alos no need of cleaning any registry or anything.

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