How can I help correct the Software Infermer database?

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asked by (120 points) about Software Informer
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How can I help correct the Software Informer database? There are several items coming up incorrect. 4shared for one. I have the latest version from the website as 4.01. Software Informer tells me that 4.05 is the latest, yet when I follow the link, 4.00 is the only one listed on the site.

I am not complaining, rather asking for a path to report these issues for fixing I love the idea of this product!


1 Answer

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answered by (264k points)
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If you have additional information regarding an entry on Software's Informer database, please navigate to the page of that particular product and use the Submit a correction form at the bottom of the left column on the page. A form will appear where you can submit your updated info. If that information is validated and approved, the script will update the entry's information with your new data.

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