Compatibility Windows 95/ Windows 7 (64-bit)

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No avatar asked by (120 points)
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I have an application called "Talk to me" (language training course) by Auralog. I used that on Windows 95. I am now trying to install the same on Windows 7 Home Premium Service Sack 1.

When I try to run the setup.exe in Windows 95 compatibility mode, I get the two following warning messages:

  1. "Cannot find C:\windows\system32\ANG45.LAN"
  2. " (yellow triangle followed by) upset.exe".

What can I do to start using this program again?

Thank you, Andrea.

3 Answers

+1 vote
answered by
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Dear Andrew, first of all, thank you for your reply. I agree with you: it is an installer problem. The point is HOW to "bypass" this problem. The only feedback I get from the OS are: 1. "Cannot find C:\windows\system32\ANG45.LAN" 2. " (yellow triangle followed by) upset.exe". Basing on these, is there anybody that can suggest me HOW to set up the "bypass"? I made the question to Auralog, that simply answered: "Sorry, the SW is not anymore supported". Microsoft should grant the backward compatibility, I guess. But this is not the case. Once again: is there anybody who can help me?

0 votes
answered by (100k points)
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There are extremely few cases where applications from Windows 95 work in Windows 7 and above. In most cases, you manage to get an application running because you have bypassed the installer problem. But this doesn't make it a general rule.

If there is no other version released for Windows 7, I believe you can't get it to work under this OS.

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answered by

download and install vmware, install Windows98 as Virtual Machine and install the SW on it, should work...

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