ou rule ZedoMax, you r sooo right it is the DNA, people who enjoy the setansion of discovery & feel rewarded by cutting new pathways thru their brain are innovative/hackers/ & Android lovers. Appleheads are hooked on the ease of use thing, they do not feel rewarded by uncharted turf, & cannot begin to deal with the concept of learning' a new way of doing, and they do not enjoy discovering or trying out different path ways to interfacing with any device, the very idea that they might have to figure something out is terrifying, they want just sit down and surf the device with one click/swipe/poke like a 3 year old dancing with tellatubies or BigBird, I got a family full of both types, its hilarious how clueless & open to exploitation they are Mac/Apple hooks its addicts through immersion/stimulus-repsonce subliminal rewards & easy to use interface. I own iPad3 and 7 Android devices,, all of my Androids are rooted except my 2 galaxy note, GT-N7000 s which I will root soon, I addicted to rooting, and the satisfaction from having control of my android toys, and I love the feeling of freedom Android has, rebels, innovators & people kike me who want to keep brain young need Android!