SD card password protect

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How can I apply a password to my SD Card?

3 Answers

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answered by (100k points)
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If you are using the SD card in a phone with Android 4.0/4.1 operating system, then you can apply a password using the Store section found in your Settings menu.

Another possibility is to use Folderlock to password protect the entire area of your SD card. I am giving you these alternatives and solutions as they are commonly used among users.

asked Feb 9, 2013 by (120 points)
edited Feb 11, 2013 by
What is the master password, for just in case I forget my password?
commented by (100 points)
i have samsung galaxy s3 (android 4.0), and i cant find where i must go to apply a password to my memory card ? i saw everythig in the menu, can you explain me step by step plz ?
commented by (100 points)
I'm using Galaxy Trend Lite with Android 4.1 but in Setting / Storage there is no option to apply a password to my SD card.
Could you give a guide to find it ?
commented by (100 points)
Hi i;am from IRAN countary and cant wrote english carefully excuse me
Me have galaxy pocket android 4.0.4 if you want insert a password in to your SD you
firset: you should set firset a encrypt password for your device *setting>security>encryption>encrypt device"
When in secend level:
Go to Setting>Security>Encryption>Encrypt SD card
And set a password to your SD
If you understand pleade send an email for me:
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Hi Linda,I enjoy your blogs!Yes, I agree about the second brain. I love Mercola, and I have been seenig Dr. Rodier (he spoke at an OFFER meeting some time ago, before I came last April) who has many similar opinions about diet.Probiotics have been a life-saver for me. I believe that probiotics as well as diet is responsible for totally clearing up IBS for me.I was blown away at how hard it was for me to go off of sugar. I never thought I had any problem with it (it took 5 very hard days). I worked through his diet for about 9 months and cognition/alertness was better, some memory returned, as well as other benefits, all very gradually.When I gradually begin to give in to binges and go off of diet, as with holidays, my thinking grows dull and inflammation is worse, I think in my brain too. I go back on the diet and there is improvement.My husband likes xagave nectar in his coffee. Have you heard of it? We get a double pack of organic blue xagave nectar from Costco for under $10, and Maceys sells regular organic xagave nectar too.I think you're right on the mark, Linda. I had 5 donuts last night, after weeks of self-control. I went nuts: It was a pretty good binge I'd say, and while I loved every single bite, today was kinda hard.Keep up your wonderful writing.Leigh

0 votes
answered by (140 points)

If you don't mind, you can try the USB security. It's not only designed to password protect USB flash drives, you can also use it to protect the content in your SD card.

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