Can someone tell me if the table of entered pressure values ​​can be set from the last to the first entry?

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asked by about BP Manager
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Respected please tell me if the table of entered pressure values ​​can be set from the last to the first entry. Thank you for your reply and I greet you warmly

2 Answers

0 votes
answered by (99.8k points)

Yes, the user can sort the entered pressure values from the last to the first entry in the BP Manager program for Windows.

0 votes
answered by

Thanks for the quick reply just please tell me how I can do it. Thank you

commented by (100 points)
You can use the sorting function. First, open the table of entered pressure values. Then, click on the column header for the date/time of each entry to sort the table in descending order. This will arrange the entries with the most recent at the top and the earliest at the bottom.

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