Is there a way to make the Flip camera record dates after year 2020 on new videos?

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asked by about FlipShare

The Flip 5.12 software seems to only allow setting the Flip camera's recording date up to the year 2020. Has anyone found a solution? Ideally an update to the software?

1 Answer

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answered by (97.5k points)

Unfortunately, there does not seem to be a solution to this issue. The Flip 5.12 software only allows setting the Flip camera's recording date up to the year 2020.

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answered by

You can set the date to a year that uses the same calendar order as the current year, for instance; The calendar for 2017 is the same for 2023.

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answered by

My solution is a variation of this line in powershell, this example adds 1 year to the "Last Modified" time stamp of the files after the fact. Increase as the years go on... ie set 2013 with the correct month/day on the flip, then use the script command to add +10 years:

Get-ChildItem | select fullname,lastwritetime,@{n='NewLastWriteTime';e={($.LastWriteTime).addyears(10)}} | foreach {(gci $.fullname).LastWriteTime = $_.NewLastWriteTime}

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