Are you still maintaining this program?

0 votes
No avatar asked by (120 points) about Sokofan

I love how it works, but it has one serious issue. When you are playing a large level, or replaying the solution to that level, the screen doesn't automatically scroll left-right or up-down to prevent the pusher from going off screen. I think it would be an important fix to correct this, or to make the puzzle fit the window so scrolling isn't necessary.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (99.8k points)

The provided message is not a spam or an advertisement. It does not have any political implication. The question raised is related to the Sokofan program for Windows, specifically about the program's maintenance and a potential fix for a scrolling issue.

0 votes
answered by

This is not an answer to my question. It is a description of my question. I asked this question almost 2 years ago. I believe the answer is self-evident. Due to the lack of a suitable answer to my question, the answer is no, the program is no longer being maintained. If this answer is incorrect, then someone needs to address the question instead of just describing its nature.

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