Hi!!! i just LOVE your sliding door tpmtlaee! But i'm having one problem. I can't get the woodworking text onto the woodworking image (picture 7 in the nav bar.)also, there is an error message: Sorry!We can't seem to find what you're looking for!The link you just followed was broken. when i click on the woodwork page on the left margin list or the actual woodwork image (number 7) on the nav bar. i do have a page uploaded that is appearing when i go to my dashboard, but it doesn't seem to appear when one clicks on it. i've searched hi and low in the text files to try to fix it myself (i don't know php but do dabble in html). i have fetch to pop whatever i'd need in any code page.i'm trying to make it so that the pictures and the text on the pictures in the sliding doors never change. which is why it's important for the woodworking page stay in the same position on the left side. Any help on this would be appreciated a lot! THANKS!htttp://singledaughter.com