I need the IP address of my D-link router

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How can I find out the IP of my D-link router? I need to open some ports for games.

2 Answers

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answered by (264k points)

Please go to Start > Run and type the following command: *cmd /k ipconfig|findstr "Gateway". A command prompt window will appear with Default Gateway: IP**. The IP listed is the IP of your D-link router.

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No avatar answered by (300 points)

Follow the below steps to find your ip address in D-link router :

  1. Click start->run-> cmd and press Enter
  2. The command prompt dialog box will appear on the screen .
  3. Type ipconfig/ipconfig/all and press enter
  4. It shows the list of ip addresses
  5. Default gateway is the ip address for your router.

If you want to find your external ip address use Ip-details.com

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