Free Internet Download Manager period expired. How can I uninstall it?

+2 votes
asked by (140 points)
edited by

Kindly give me all the possible information related to my problem. Actually, I accepted the term and conditions for free installation without reading them carefully. Now my trial period has expired and I have to purchase it to get license or uninstall it. I want to choose the uninstall option. How can I do this? Guide me please!

3 Answers

0 votes
answered by

Visit On This Links... uninstallation tutorial Avalable on this blog.

0 votes
answered by (220 points)

You can use software : "Your uninstall" for remove all IDM in Your computer.

Or: Add/ Remove program and douple click on IDM for uninstall

–2 votes
answered by (100k points)
edited by

IDM is a simple application and can be removed using the common way of removing applications: Add/Remove Programs(Windows XP) or Program Features (Windows 7, Vista, 8). Locate the item on the uninstall list and perform the uninstallation. Also, you will need to reboot the computer in order to completely remove the remaining in-use files or registry keys.

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